TOP-8 Job Interview Tips
1. Research the Company –
You should do your research before the interview. 47% of hiring managers expelled candidates after interviews because they knew next to nothing about companies…
2. Find out who you’re interviewing with-
When hiring managers are looking for new employees, culture fit is often at the top of their list. In fact 43% say it’s one if not THE most influential factor when deciding who will get hired!
Interview questions should be answered in a way that shows you know the company and their goals. It’s important to relate with people at your interview, so make sure it works out well!
3. Prepare questions and interesting story-
The hiring process is intense and seemingly endless, but for 33% of employers it only takes about 90 seconds to decide whether or not they’ll offer you a job.
You should make sure you are prepared with creative, insightful questions and craft your personal story.
4. Dress for the Job –
70% of hiring managers have eliminated candidates after an interview because they thought the person was too fashionable or trendy.
So, You don’t want to distract from the main goal with your clothes, so choose a more casual office style for this interview.
5. Turn your phone off –
It is important to turn off all the devices that could disturb you during an interview. Whether it will be online or offline, make sure.
You should also come to your interview earlier (5-10 minutes). Map out the route so that you can be sure not only to arrive on time but get into position quickly and comfortably before starting.
6. Take into account non-verbal language –
During the interview don’t forget about non-verbal language
– use a confident posture.
– use the «triple nod» when listening (nod your head as if you understand what is being said and keep the conversation going)
- use hand gestures when speaking
- maintain eye contact.
7. Ask when to expect a decision –
Job seeking can be frustrating when you don’t receive feedback after an interview. If possible, it is best to ask about the deadline for this type of response during your meeting with prospective employers so that there are no surprises later down the line!
8. Send a follow-up to thank you message-
You just walked out of a job interview. You gave great answers to all the interviews.
questions. You nailed it
The thank you message is an important part of every interview…….