How to Reduce No-Shows for Your Interview

Review profile quality

Whilst you’re in the process of evaluating candidate profiles, check the quality of the profile of the candidate. Keep a vigilant eye out for how much information they have shared. This will give you a clear insight into their past jobs, their level of education/training and the level of their language skills. It will also reflect how much time and effort they have taken into painting a professional picture of themselves and show you how serious they are about landing a job.

Length of gaps in jobs held

There are two important factors to consider when hiring someone. The first is their experience and the second will be how long it takes them between jobs, or if there were any gaps in employment history that might indicate reliability as well as consistency with previous employers

Chat with your candidates

Jaipur IT’s mobile job board makes it easier than ever to find and interview potential employees. You can search for qualified candidates, shortlist your favorites, chat with them about the position remotely before scheduling an in-person meeting!

Build your employer brand

It’s important to have an employer brand that stands out from the rest. Your culture, team and vision are all integral parts of what makes you different as a company but they don’t speak for themselves – so we help build consensus on behalf of your employees!

The feeling potential candidates have whilst interviewing with you or the sentiment evoked when they see a social media post on your page.

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